Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Holidays from W+P!

Another year, not just another card:
Yes, yes... we love the goodies, the coming together of people, and the overall joyous attitude this time of year brings... but here at W+P, we looooooove us some holiday cards!

So here is ours to you, and please send us yours! We love seeing what you all are up to this fine holiday season!
The gang, wishing you the best!

Snowman Tom...
Tracy, eager as ever...
Cigi, putting Tracy in her place!
...and he took his dog Dan, and he took some black thread, and he tied a big horn to the top of his head!
Sweet 'lil Jessica!
Brian, being... well.. Brian.
Naaz puckering up!
Greg, up to his usual...
Ecstatic Sarah...
Regina, in her natural element!
Jimmy Clause...
Jack, with his nose so bright!
Mark, checking in on Kim...
Kim, she's jazzed!
Terry, day dreaming... suprise, suprise!... :)
Trish, decked out for the season!
Aerie, expressing how we all REALLY feel about fruitcake...
Brett, W+P's own holiday birthday boy (25th!)
Robi, being the angel that she is!
Jeff, getting down...
Yingxi, she always knows best!
Joey the bad elf...
Pauly Brown, and his frumpy tree...


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